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2017-2020 Curriculum Reform Philosophy and Basic Direction

Competency-based curriculum reflecting the founding philosophy and educational objectives

  • Seeking ways to nurture sociable and practical talents equipped with "righteous character," "creativity through integration," and "adaptability to the field" to embody the founding philosophy of 'cultivating moral spirit'

Curriculum reflecting societal demand

  • Transition from a typical quantitative education to a qualitative education that reflects the educational demands of future core industrial areas

Convergence courses between academic disciplines and industrial areas

  • Solidifying fundamental academic areas, converging education between majors and academic disciplines, operating in-depth education that creatively solves problems and can create new problems

Educational Philosophy/Vision

Educational Philosophy/Vision(Replace image alt with text below)
  • founding philosophy-righteous character
  • Educational Philosophy- Creation, Humanity, Truth
  • Direction of Talent Cultivation - Upright Character:Individuals who strive to grow together with an understanding of oneself and others, with a positive community consciousness+On-site Adaptability:Practical ability oriented towards the field, centered on experiential and activity learning based on comprehensive professional knowledge+Creative Problem Solving:Problem-solving ability through various perspectives of observation and analysis based on healthy skepticism
  • Ideal Concept of Talent- Ideal Concept of Talent:Collaborative Practitioner,Practical Thinker
  • 6 Core Competencies-STEP. 01:Community consciousness,STEP. 02:Self-directiveness,STEP. 03:Practical Skills,STEP. 04:Communication,STEP. 06:Critical thinking,STEP. 06:Creative thinking
  • Vision-Hidden Champion Talent Cultivation University
  • Development Goals-Future Key Industry Specialized University
  • Four Core Strategies-Top Class University in Specialized Areas, REAL LIFT 4.0 Specialized University Education,"Industry-Academic Integrated" University Growing Together with the Region, University for Operational Innovation for Sustainable Development
  • 20 Strategic Tasks-Specialization Advancement, Expansion of Specialized Education Fields, Open Joint Education in Specialized Areas, Strengthening Specialized Infrastructure, External Awareness in Specialized Fields,Re-evaluation of Recognition, Field Demand-based Requested Education, Education for Enhancing Expertise, Education Effect Centered on Learners, Education for Maximizing Adaptability,Education, For convergent thinking, Lateral Thinking Education, LIFT Extracurricular Innovation, 4.0 Educational Quality Innovation, Operation of Industry-Academic Integrated University, Strengthening Global Industry-Academic Cooperation, Strengthening Practical Research Support for SMEs, Enhancing Job Creation and Startup Education/Support, Organizational Restructuring for University Management Innovation, Strengthening Member Capabilities, Advanced Administrative Support System, Elevation of the Campus Master Plan, Mid-Long Term Financial Enhancement
Educational Philosophy/Vision(Replace image alt with text below)

Purpose and Background of Curriculum Reform

Cultivating talents tailored to the needs of the 21st century society, leading national and occupational development in a rapidly changing social and economic environment.

  • Internal Factors
Purpose of Curriculum Reform - Internal Factors
Specialization Social Demands Humanities and Creative Talents
Strengthening educational capacities in line with Kyungwoon University Vision 2025 demands specialized curriculum. Need for new curriculum development tailored to social demands and substantive education. Need for introduction of a new curriculum to foster socially-friendly practical talents equipped with both humanities knowledge and practicality.
  • Internal Factors
Purpose of Curriculum Reform-Internal Factors
Social Changes Mismatch Resolution of Talent Cultivation Intensified Competition
A paradigm shift is required from traditional education to practical education due to Korean future social change factors and changes in society. Need to address quantitative and qualitative mismatches in training professionals in future industries based on social change and industry demand analysis. A new curriculum is required to reconsider integrated thinking in university education to lead specialized areas in intensified inter-university competition.

Credits System and Acknowledged Credits

Credits System

Educational Philosophy/Vision

Information on Credits Required for General Studies and Major

For students entering from 2012 to 2014: 130 credits required for graduation

For students entering from 2012 to 2014 : 130 credits required for graduation
Area Minimum Credits Acknowledgment Standards
General Studies Basic
General Studies
12 Complete at least 30 credits,
up to 40 credits recognized
Implementation of Character and School Ideals 2 Satisfy minimum credits in 4 out of 5 categories
Information and Multimedia 2
Writing and Communication 2
Global1 4
Global2 2
8 Ⅰ Understanding of Humanities - ○ Mandatory earning of at least 4 credits in designated areas
- College of IT Energy: Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅳ
- College of Aviation: Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅳ
- College of Health: Ⅱ,Ⅳ,Ⅴ
- College of Social Sciences: Ⅲ,Ⅳ,Ⅴ
- College of Arts and Sports: Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅴ
● Excluding evening students
Ⅱ Understanding of Human and Social Sciences -
Ⅲ Understanding of Natural Sciences and Technology -
Ⅳ Arts and Health -
Ⅴ Exploration of Major -
10 -    
Fundamentals 15        
Major 40       Only "Major" credits are acknowledged.
  • a. At least 12 credits need to be earned in Basic General Studies from 4 categories.
      (1) Core studies require a minimum of 8 credits earned across all departments (courses), and satisfy the minimum credits in 4 categories.
      (2) In Core Studies, credits earned from the 3 specified categories need to sum up to at least 4 credits, including other categories, at least 8 credits should be earned.
      (3) General studies require at least 10 credits.
  • b. Major subjects are classified into Basic Major, Major, and Elective Major, and the necessary credits for graduation are 15 credits for Basic Major and at least 40 credits for Major.
  • c. Transfer students must complete the necessary credits for graduation apart from their individually recognized transfer credits to ensure no issues for graduation.

For students entering in 2015: 130 credits required for graduation (Nursing College 140 credits)

For students entering in 2015: 130 credits required for graduation (Nursing College 140 credits)
Area Minimum Credits Acknowledgment Standards
Studies Core
12 Complete at least 30 credits,
up to 40 credits recognized
Implementation of Character and School Ideals 2 Satisfy minimum credits per category
Information Utilization 2
Employment and Career 2
Global Communication 6
Basic General
8 Ⅰ Understanding of Humanities - ○ Mandatory earning of at least 4 credits in designated areas
- College of IT Energy: Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅳ
- College of Aviation: Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅳ
- College of Health: Ⅱ,Ⅳ,Ⅴ
- College of Social Sciences: Ⅲ,Ⅳ,Ⅴ
- Security Sports Department : Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅴ
● Excluding evening students
Ⅱ Understanding of Human and Social Sciences -
Ⅲ Understanding of Natural Sciences and Technology -
Ⅳ Arts and Health -
Ⅴ Exploration of Major -
10 -    
Fundamentals 15        
Major 40       Only "Major" credits are acknowledged.
  • a. At least 30 credits should be earned combining Core, Basic, and General studies.
      (1) For Core Studies, satisfy the minimum credits in 3 out of 4 categories, and at least 12 credits should be earned.
      (2) For Basic General Studies, credits earned from the 3 specified categories should sum up to at least 4 credits, including other categories, at least 8 credits should be earned.
      (3) General studies require at least 10 credits.
  • b. Major subjects are classified into Basic Major, Major, and Elective Major, and the necessary credits for graduation are 15 credits for Basic Major and at least 40 credits for Major.

For students entering in 2016: 130 credits required for graduation (Nursing College 140 credits, Arts and Sports Department 120 credits)

For students entering in 2016: 130 credits required for graduation (Nursing College 140 credits, Arts and Sports Department 120 credits)
Area Minimum Credits Acknowledgment Standards
Studies Core
20 Complete at least 40 credits,
up to 50 credits recognized
A-Logic and Mathematics 2 Out of 4 areas in ABCE, a minimum of 3 areas must satisfy the required credits.
B-Fundamental Humanities Thinking 6
B-Fundamental Scientific Thinking
B-Information Utilization Skills
C-Communication 8
E-New Village Education 4
E-Global Citizen Awareness
Basic General Studies 12 I-Humanities(1) 4 ○ Humanities 4 credits are mandatory
● Excluding evening students
I-Social Sciences(2) -
I-Natural Sciences(3) -
I-Arts and Health(4) -
I-Career and Development(5) -
8 -    
Fundamentals 15        
Major 40       Only "Major" credits are acknowledged.
  • a. At least 40 credits should be earned by combining Core, Basic, and General studies.
      (1) For Core Studies, 20 credits from 4 areas must be completed, and a minimum required credits must be satisfied from 3 out of the 4 ABCE areas.
      (2) For Basic Studies, a minimum of 4 credits in the Humanities and Science area are mandatory and 12 or more credits must be completed.
      (3) For General Studies, 8 or more credits must be completed.
  • b. Major subjects are classified into Basic Major, Major, and Elective Major, and the necessary credits for graduation are 15 credits for Basic Major and at least 40 credits for Major.

Students admitted in the academic years 2017·2018: Required graduation credits are 130 credits (Nursing department 140 credits, Arts and Physical Education Department 120 credits)

  • a. At least 40 credits should be earned by combining Core, Basic, and General studies.
    Purpose of Curriculum Reform - Internal Factors
    Classification Arts and Physical Education Department Departments excluding (Arts and Physical Education Department and Nursing department) Department of Nursing
    Graduation Credits 120 130 140
    • * Arts and Physical Education Department : Security Department, Social Sports Department, and Multimedia Department.
  • b. Major subjects are classified into Basic Major, Major, and Elective Major, and the necessary credits for graduation are 15 credits for Basic Major and at least 40 credits for Major.
    • Students must complete a total of 44 or more credits by combining Core Studies, Distributed Studies, and Advanced Studies. (However, the Nursing and Aviation Operations Departments should complete 40 or more credits excluding Advanced Studies).
    2017·2018year General Education Course Completion System
    Area Minimum Credits Mandatory Course Name Remark
    Studies Core Studies
    (ABC+E Series)
    26 Complete at least 40 credits,
    up to 50 credits recognized
    A-Logic and Mathematics 2 Logic and Critical Thinking Mandatory
    B-Fundamental Humanities Thinking 6    
    B-Fundamental Scientific Thinking
    B-Information Utilization Skills 2 Mandatory elective
    C-Communication 8 Basic Writing, Communication and Writing, University English,2 Mandatory
    E-Global Citizen Awareness 2 Understanding and Awareness of Global Citizens Mandatory
    E-Ethics 6    
    Distributed Studies
    (I Series)
    14 I-Humanities(1) Humanities Studies including 8 credits, 14 credits in total Humanities Studies, 8 credits as mandatory elective
    I-Social Sciences(2)
    I-Natural Sciences(3)
    I-Arts and Health(4)
    I-Career and Development(5)
    Advanced Studies
    (I Think)
    4 - 4    
  • c. Major course completion structure
      The major courses are divided into Integrated Major, Basic Major, Mandatory Major, and Elective Major. When completing a Single Major (Primary Major), the minimum required credits for each area should be as shown in the table below.
    Purpose of Curriculum Reform - Internal Factors
    Major Classification / Graduation Credits 120 credits 130 credits 140 credits
    Arts and Physical Education Department General Department Department of Aviation Operations Department of Healthcare
    Workforce Development
    Department of Nursing
    (Mandatory, Elective)
    31 36 39 41 49
    Fundamentals 12 12 12 12 12
    Integrated Major 6 6 6 4 4
    • * Health departments: Nursing, Physical Therapy, Clinical Pathology, Occupational Therapy, Dental Hygiene
    • * Art and Physical Activity departments: Security, Social Sports, Multimedia
    • Major (Mandatory, Elective) should be completed with 31-49 credits depending on the department, and the designated mandatory major courses must be completed within a range of 16-20 credits, depending on the college or department.

Students admitted in the academic years 2019·2020: Required graduation credits are 130 credits (Nursing department 140 credits, Arts and Physical Education Department 120 credits)

  • a. Graduation Credits
    Graduation Credits-Arts and Physical Education Department,(Arts and Physical Education Department and Department of Nursing)Departments excluding, Department of Nursing
    Classification Arts and Physical Education Department Departments excluding (Arts and Physical Education Department and Nursing department) Department of Nursing
    Graduation Credits 120 130 140
    • * Arts and Physical Education Department: Aviation Security and Protection Department, Social Sports Department, Multimedia Department
  • b. General Education Course Completion System
    • General Education courses require a combination of Core Studies, Distributed Studies, and General Studies for a total of at least 40 credits. The completion standards are as below.
    • Core Studies aim to nurture basic competencies for university foundation and enhance thinking abilities. This includes cultivating the Kyungwoonian spirit for realizing the foundational ideology and fostering community consciousness, requiring 20 credits.
    • Distributed Studies provide a comprehensive exploration of various academic fields and require 16 credits.
    • General Studies consist of career education for future planning and various themed virtual lectures, offering an elective 4 credits. However, if General Studies are not completed, they should be supplemented by Distributed Studies.
    • Experience-based Studies include the Residential College (RC), socially engaging activities, and global language training and are recognized as general elective.
    • Up to 50 credits in Studies are recognized towards graduation credits.
    2019·2020year General Education Course Completion System
    Classification Educational Area Completion Type Minimum Credits Target Department
    Major Area Sub Area
    Core Studies
    (20 credits)
    University Foundation Text Literacy Mandatory 4  
    Global Literacy 4
    Thinking Computational Thinking Mandatory 6 4
    Critical thinking Mandatory elective 2
    Creative thinking
    Kyungwoonian Myself and Community Mandatory elective 2
    Practical Intellectual 2
    University Specialization 2
    Distributed Studies
    Exploring Academics Humanities Mandatory elective 8  
    Social Sciences Elective 8
    Natural Sciences
    Arts and Health
    General Studies
    Future Planning   Elective 4 If not completed, supplement with Distributed Studies
    Experience-based Studies
    General Elective
    RC(Residential College)   Not included in the minimum Studies credits (44 credits)
    Social Engagement Activities
    Global Language Training
  • c. Major Course Completion System
    • The major courses are divided into Basic Major, Mandatory Major, Elective Major, and Design Thinking. For the completion of a Single Major (Primary Major), the minimum required credits for each area are as indicated in the following table.
    Major course completion structure-Major Classification, Graduation Credits
    Major Classification / Graduation Credits 120credits
    (Arts and Physical Education Department)
    (General Department)
    (Department of Nursing)
    Fundamentals 12 12 12
    Major Mandatory 16 16 20
    Major Electives 20 24 38
    Design Thinking 6 6 -
    • * Aviation Security and Protection Department, Social Sports Department, Multimedia Department
    • 1. Design Thinking consists of 6 credits aiming to enhance expansive thinking. However, the Nursing Department, which operates a certified program according to Article 46 of the "Academic Regulations", is excluded.
    • 2. Basic Major focuses on the foundational theories of the major and requires at least 12 credits.
    • 3. Mandatory Major requires 16-20 credits, depending on the department.
    • 4. Elective Major requires 20-38 credits, depending on the department.